Video: #EverydayEczema - Sharing Your Eczema / Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) Story

Welcome to the second installment of my NEW SERIES, #EverydayEczema! In this episode, I talk about why it's important to share YOUR healing story with the people in your life and how it will further perpetuate your ultimate healing.

#EverydayEczema is made up of personal anecdotes from my real life about what it's like to HAVE severe eczema, go through topical steroid withdrawal (TSW), and HEAL FROM IT. They are small moments of everyday life packed with big lessons, inspiration, and humor to help you get through your own healing journey and remind you that you are not alone. If you have a story of your own #EverydayEczema to share, tell us what happened in the comments below!

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Instagram: @thenatnurse

YouTube: The Naturalistic Nurse